is a convenience wrapper for mean_at()
, group_mean_center_at()
, and center_at()
. It's useful for preparing data for a random effects, within-between (REWB) panel analysis.linloess_plot()
now has a special print class for suppressing warnings that come from the LOESS smoother. Additionally, there is are suppress_warnings
and no_dummies
arguments in this function.rd_plot()
now has an na.rm = TRUE
argument quietly passed to the extraction of the standard deviation of the residuals. This ensures that missing values in the data don't result in missing residuals, which then result in no standard deviation of the residuals.linloess_plot()
now has a resid
argument that allows for comparison against the model's residuals on the y-axis rather than the default (the raw values of y on the y-axis).charitable_contributions
support and, with it, breaking their link to the superseded _at()
functions from {dplyr}
now has a se
argument for optionally disabling standard error bands. For particularly ill-fitting linear models, this may be advisable.theme_steve()
is removed from the package. This function is now in {stevethemes}
, which will house all my {ggplot2}
themes going forward.ps_spells()
that was brought to my attention by CRAN. I don't know why this came up just now, but it's apparently been an issue lurking around R development for some time now that it's always been wrong to call order()
on a data frame. The underlying order()
calls have been replaced with arrange()
. This fix concerns a related issue that also affects {peacesciencer}
, diff_at()
, and more---are self-contained in one R Documentation file.theme_steve_ms()
now actually uses "Crimson Pro", and not "Crimson Text".theme_steve()
is deprecated and will be removed in a later release. This function has been been effectively moved to {stevethemes}
, where it has also been expanded and improved. The remaining {ggplot2}
functions in this package are becoming legacy functions with that in mind.wls()
does weighted least squares re-estimations of an OLS model. HT @hadley for some information about a class issue.fct_reorg()
completely re-written (by @hadley himself) in light of new {forcats}
and print_refs()
to no longer require {bib2df}
. With it, {bib2df}
is also removed as a package dependency.filter_refs()
and, with it, the {bib2df}
package as a dependency.print_refs()
will now work on an (implied) {bib2df}
data frame of .bib
, which no longer requires {broom.mixed}
underneath the hood. Remove {broom.mixed}
as package dependency.fra_leaderyears
). This will be a data set for stress-testing peace spell calculations where cross-sectional units are decidedly imbalanced.gmy_dyadyears
). This will be a data set for stress-testing peace spell calculations where there is a huge gap in the data.ps_spells()
, for more general spell calculations going forward.linloess_plot()
. With it, add {tidyr}
as a dependency.prepare_refs()
and print_refs()
and theme_steve_font()
for future use in {peacesciencer}
entries to Suggests:
for CRAN compliance. These import packages ({DBI}
, {RSQLite}
, and {dbplyr}
) concern the db_lselect()
function.This is the slated first professional/public release to CRAN. Package features major updates to functions, mostly for CRAN compliance. New features include fct_reorg()
, a gvi()
shortcut for get_var_info()
, ess9_labelled
data for illustration, scale-location t-distribution functions, and more.
Move almost all data to {stevedata}
. Add p_z()
Mostly cosmetic fixes to functionality of things. Most of these are not CRAN compliant.
Add usa_mids
. Update sbtscs()
. Add vignette.
Update carrec()
, cor2data()
, corvectors()
, get_sims()
, get_var_info()
, make_perclab()
, make_scale()
, jenny()
, %nin%
, normal_dist()
, rbnorm()
, sbtscs()
, show_ranef()
, smvrnorm()
, theme_steve()
, and theme_steve_web()
. Remove multiplot()
Update fakeAPI
Add seed to corvectors()
. Add fakeAPI
Add corvectors()
and jenny()
Add tbl_df()
and to_tbl()
. Update theme_steve_web()
. Thanks to @mewdewitt for the suggestions.
Add %nin%
Add smvrnorm()
Generalize get_sims()
to handle non-mixed models.
Update States
Update DJIA
Add seed for rbnorm()
Add normal_dist()
, States
, and update Presidents
Remove Presidents
and Presidents
Add Arca
Update aluminum_premiums
and DJIA
Add asn_stats
and DST
Add cor2data()
Add rbnorm()
Add select z-values as vectors.
Update aluminum_premiums
Add strategic_rivalries
Add sugar_prices
Add post_bg()
Add ghp100k
Add eustates
and multiplot()
Add get_sims()
. Update theme_steve_web()
Add r2sd()
Add carrec()
and cardkrieger1994mwe
Add clemsontemps
, gss_abortion
, and map_quiz
Add nesarc_drinkspd
Add usa_chn_gdp_forecasts
Add imf_coffee_data
Add recessions
Add ukg_eeri
Rename edq_passengercars
to eq_passengercars
Add edq_passengercars
Update documentation for migrants_usa
and mvprod
Add mvprod
Update documentation for migrants_usa
Update documentation for migrants_usa
Add migrants_usa
Update steve_clothes
Update DJIA
Add aluminum_premiums
Update theme_steve()
, theme_steve_web()
, and ustradegdp
Add ustradegdp
Add steves_clothes
Add several data sets: articseaice
, co2data
, osu_results
, and sealevels
Fix {dplyr}
NAMESPACE issue,thanks to David Armstrong for recommending that.
Add get_var_info()
, theme_steve_web2()
, and some fonts. in the inst/fonts
Add theme_steve_web()
Changed the title on theme_steve()
. Add mround2()
Changed the title on theme_steve()
Initial developmental release. Features included: