Package: stevedata 1.3.9

Steve Miller

stevedata: Steve's Toy Data for Teaching About a Variety of Methodological, Social, and Political Topics

This is a collection of various kinds of data with broad uses for teaching. My students, and academics like me who teach the same topics I teach, should find this useful if their teaching workflow is also built around the R programming language. The applications are multiple but mostly cluster on topics of statistical methodology, international relations, and political economy.

Authors:Steve Miller [aut, cre]

stevedata.pdf |stevedata.html
stevedata/json (API)

# Install 'stevedata' in R:
install.packages('stevedata', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • Arca - NYSE Arca Steel Index data, 2017–present
  • CFT15 - Randomization Inference in the Regression Discontinuity Design: An Application to Party Advantages in the U.S. Senate
  • CP77 - Education Expenditure Data
  • DAPO - Determinants of Arab Public Opinion
  • DCE12 - Domestic Conflict Events, 2012
  • DJIA - Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1885-Present
  • DST - Casualties/Fatalities in the U.S. for Drunk-Driving, Suicide, and Terrorism
  • Datasaurus - The Datasaurus Dozen
  • Dee04 - Are There Civics Returns to Education?
  • EBJ - The Economic Benefits of Justice
  • ESS10NO - Norwegian Attitudes toward European Integration
  • ESS9GB - British Attitudes Toward Immigration
  • ESSBE5 - Trust in the Police in Belgium
  • GHR04 - Comparative Public Health: The Political Economy of Human Misery and Well-Being
  • Guber99 - School Expenditures and Test Scores for 50 States, 1994-95
  • LOTI - Land-Ocean Temperature Index, 1880-2022
  • LTPT - Long-Term Price Trends for Computers, TVs, and Related Items
  • LTWT - "Let Them Watch TV"
  • Lipset59 - Democracy and Economic Development (Around) 1949-50
  • Newhouse77 - Medical-Care Expenditure: A Cross-National Survey
  • ODGI - Ozone Depleting Gas Index Data, 1992-2022
  • OODTPT - Data for "Optimal Obfuscation: Democracy and Trade Policy Transparency"
  • PPGE - Partisan Politics in the Global Economy
  • PRDEG - Property Rights, Democracy, and Economic Growth
  • Presidents - U.S. Presidents and Their Terms in Office
  • SBCD - Systemic Banking Crises Database II
  • SCP16 - South Carolina County GOP/Democratic Primary Data, 2016
  • TV16 - The Individual Correlates of the Trump Vote in 2016
  • USFAHR - U.S. Foreign Aid and Human Rights in Assorted Years
  • af_crime93 - Statewide Crime Data
  • african_coups - Modeling Coups in Africa, 1960 to 1975
  • aluminum_premiums - LME Aluminum Premiums Data
  • anes_partytherms - Major Party
  • anes_prochoice - Abortion Attitudes
  • anes_vote84 - Simple Data for a Simple Model of Individual Voter Turnout
  • arcticseaice - Arctic Sea Ice Extent Data, 1901-2015
  • arg_tariff - Simple Mean Tariff Rate for Argentina
  • asn_stats - Aviation Safety Network Statistics, 1942-2019
  • clemson_temps - Daily Clemson Temperature Data
  • co2emissions - Carbon Dioxide Emissions Data
  • coffee_imports - Coffee Imports for Select Importing Countries
  • coffee_price - The Primary Commodity Price for Coffee
  • commodity_prices - Select World Bank Commodity Price Data
  • eight_schools - The Effect of Special Preparation on SAT-V Scores in Eight Randomized Experiments
  • election_turnout - State-Level Education and Voter Turnout in 2016
  • eq_passengercars - Export Quality Data for Passenger Cars, 1963-2014
  • eu_ua_fta24 - A Roll Call Vote on Extending Temporary Trade Liberalization Measures Applicable to Ukrainian products under the EU/Euratom/Ukraine Association Agreement
  • eurostat_codes - Eurostat Country Codes
  • eustates - EU Member States
  • fakeAPI - Hypothetical (Fake) Data on Academic Performance
  • fakeHappiness - Fake Data on Happiness
  • fakeLogit - Fake Data for a Logistic Regression
  • fakeTSCS - Fake Data for a Time-Series Cross-Section
  • fakeTSD - Fake Data for a Time-Series
  • ghp100k - Gun Homicide Rate per 100,000 People, by Country
  • gss_abortion - Abortion Opinions in the General Social Survey
  • gss_spending - Attitudes Toward National Spending in the General Social Survey
  • gss_wages - The Gender Pay Gap in the General Social Survey
  • illiteracy30 - Illiteracy in the Population 10 Years Old and Over, 1930
  • inglehart03 - "How Solid is Mass Support for Democracy-And How Can We Measure It?"
  • min_wage - History of Federal Minimum Wage Rates Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938-2009
  • mm_mlda - Minimum Legal Drinking Age Fatalities Data
  • mm_nhis - Data from the 2009 National Health Interview Survey
  • mm_randhie - Data from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment
  • mvprod - Motor Vehicle Production by Country, 1950-2019
  • nesarc_drinkspd - The Usual Daily Drinking Habits of Americans
  • pwt_sample - Penn World Table (10.0) Macroeconomic Data for Select Countries, 1950-2019
  • quartets - Anscombe's (1973) Quartets
  • recessions - United States Recessions, 1855-present
  • scb_regions - Region Codes in the Central Bureau of Statistics ("Statistiska centralbyrån") in Sweden
  • sealevels - Global Average Absolute Sea Level Change, 1880–2015
  • so2concentrations - Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, 1980-2020
  • states_war - State Performance in Inter-State Wars
  • steves_clothes - Steve's (Professional) Clothes, as of March 20, 2022
  • sugar_price - IMF Primary Commodity Price Data for Sugar
  • sweden_counties - The Counties of Sweden
  • thatcher_approval - Margaret Thatcher Satisfaction Ratings, 1980-1990
  • therms - Thermometer Ratings for Donald Trump and Barack Obama
  • turnips - Turnip prices in Animal Crossing
  • ukg_eeri - United Kingdom Effective Exchange Rate Index Data, 1990-2022
  • uniondensity - Cross-National Rates of Trade Union Density
  • usa_chn_gdp_forecasts - United States-China GDP and GDP Forecasts, 1960-2050
  • usa_computers - Percentage of U.S. Households with Computer Access, by Year
  • usa_migration - U.S. Inbound/Outbound Migration Data, 1990-2017
  • usa_states - State Abbreviations, Names, and Regions/Divisions
  • usa_tradegdp - U.S. Trade and GDP, 1790-2018
  • voteincome - Sample Turnout and Demographic Data from the 2000 Current Population Survey
  • wbd_example - A Simple Panel drawn from World Bank Open Data
  • wvs_ccodes - Syncing Word Values Survey Country Codes with CoW Codes
  • wvs_immig - Attitudes about Immigration in the World Values Survey
  • wvs_justifbribe - Attitudes about the Justifiability of Bribe-Taking in the World Values Survey
  • wvs_usa_abortion - Attitudes on the Justifiability of Abortion in the United States
  • wvs_usa_educat - Education Categories for the United States in the World Values Survey
  • wvs_usa_regions - Region Categories for the United States in the World Values Survey
  • yugo_sales - Yugo Sales in the United States, 1985-1992


0 exports 6 stars 1.93 score 0 dependencies 166 scripts 490 downloads

Last updated 21 days agofrom:1082adbe73. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 6. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 28 2024
R-4.5-winNOTEAug 28 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTEAug 28 2024
R-4.4-winNOTEAug 28 2024
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R-4.3-winNOTEAug 28 2024
R-4.3-macNOTEAug 28 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Statewide Crime Data (1993)af_crime93
Modeling Coups in Africa, 1960 to 1975 (1982)african_coups
LME Aluminum Premiums Dataaluminum_premiums
Major Party (Democrat, Republican) Thermometer Index Data (1978-2012)anes_partytherms
Abortion Attitudes (ANES, 2012)anes_prochoice
Simple Data for a Simple Model of Individual Voter Turnout (ANES, 1984)anes_vote84
NYSE Arca Steel Index data, 2017–presentArca
Arctic Sea Ice Extent Data, 1901-2015arcticseaice
Simple Mean Tariff Rate for Argentinaarg_tariff
Aviation Safety Network Statistics, 1942-2019asn_stats
Randomization Inference in the Regression Discontinuity Design: An Application to Party Advantages in the U.S. SenateCFT15
Daily Clemson Temperature Dataclemson_temps
Carbon Dioxide Emissions Dataco2emissions
Coffee Imports for Select Importing Countriescoffee_imports
The Primary Commodity Price for Coffee (Arabica, Robustas)coffee_price
Select World Bank Commodity Price Data (Monthly)commodity_prices
Education Expenditure Data (Chatterjee and Price, 1977)CP77
Determinants of Arab Public OpinionDAPO
The Datasaurus DozenDatasaurus
Domestic Conflict Events, 2012DCE12
Are There Civics Returns to Education?Dee04
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1885-PresentDJIA
Casualties/Fatalities in the U.S. for Drunk-Driving, Suicide, and TerrorismDST
The Economic Benefits of JusticeEBJ
The Effect of Special Preparation on SAT-V Scores in Eight Randomized Experimentseight_schools
State-Level Education and Voter Turnout in 2016election_turnout
Export Quality Data for Passenger Cars, 1963-2014eq_passengercars
Norwegian Attitudes toward European Integration (2021-2022)ESS10NO
British Attitudes Toward Immigration (2018-19)ESS9GB
Trust in the Police in Belgium (European Social Survey, Round 5)ESSBE5
A Roll Call Vote on Extending Temporary Trade Liberalization Measures Applicable to Ukrainian products under the EU/Euratom/Ukraine Association Agreementeu_ua_fta24
Eurostat Country Codeseurostat_codes
EU Member States (Current as of 2019)eustates
Hypothetical (Fake) Data on Academic PerformancefakeAPI
Fake Data on HappinessfakeHappiness
Fake Data for a Logistic RegressionfakeLogit
Fake Data for a Time-Series Cross-SectionfakeTSCS
Fake Data for a Time-SeriesfakeTSD
Gun Homicide Rate per 100,000 People, by Countryghp100k
Comparative Public Health: The Political Economy of Human Misery and Well-BeingGHR04
Abortion Opinions in the General Social Surveygss_abortion
Attitudes Toward National Spending in the General Social Survey (2018)gss_spending
The Gender Pay Gap in the General Social Surveygss_wages
School Expenditures and Test Scores for 50 States, 1994-95Guber99
Illiteracy in the Population 10 Years Old and Over, 1930illiteracy30
"How Solid is Mass Support for Democracy-And How Can We Measure It?"inglehart03
Democracy and Economic Development (Around) 1949-50Lipset59
Land-Ocean Temperature Index, 1880-2022LOTI
Long-Term Price Trends for Computers, TVs, and Related ItemsLTPT
"Let Them Watch TV"LTWT
History of Federal Minimum Wage Rates Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938-2009min_wage
Minimum Legal Drinking Age Fatalities Datamm_mlda
Data from the 2009 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)mm_nhis
Data from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment (HIE)mm_randhie
Motor Vehicle Production by Country, 1950-2019mvprod
The Usual Daily Drinking Habits of Americans (NESARC, 2001-2)nesarc_drinkspd
Medical-Care Expenditure: A Cross-National Survey (Newhouse, 1977)Newhouse77
Ozone Depleting Gas Index Data, 1992-2022ODGI
Data for "Optimal Obfuscation: Democracy and Trade Policy Transparency"OODTPT
Partisan Politics in the Global EconomyPPGE
Property Rights, Democracy, and Economic GrowthPRDEG
U.S. Presidents and Their Terms in OfficePresidents
Penn World Table (10.0) Macroeconomic Data for Select Countries, 1950-2019pwt_sample
Anscombe's (1973) Quartetsquartets
United States Recessions, 1855-presentrecessions
Systemic Banking Crises Database IISBCD
Region Codes in the Central Bureau of Statistics ("Statistiska centralbyrån") in Swedenscb_regions
South Carolina County GOP/Democratic Primary Data, 2016SCP16
Global Average Absolute Sea Level Change, 1880–2015sealevels
Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, 1980-2020so2concentrations
State Performance in Inter-State Warsstates_war
Steve's (Professional) Clothes, as of March 20, 2022steves_clothes
IMF Primary Commodity Price Data for Sugarsugar_price
The Counties of Swedensweden_counties
Margaret Thatcher Satisfaction Ratings, 1980-1990thatcher_approval
Thermometer Ratings for Donald Trump and Barack Obamatherms
Turnip prices in Animal Crossing (New Horizons)turnips
The Individual Correlates of the Trump Vote in 2016TV16
United Kingdom Effective Exchange Rate Index Data, 1990-2022ukg_eeri
Cross-National Rates of Trade Union Densityuniondensity
United States-China GDP and GDP Forecasts, 1960-2050usa_chn_gdp_forecasts
Percentage of U.S. Households with Computer Access, by Yearusa_computers
U.S. Inbound/Outbound Migration Data, 1990-2017usa_migration
State Abbreviations, Names, and Regions/Divisionsusa_states
U.S. Trade and GDP, 1790-2018usa_tradegdp
U.S. Foreign Aid and Human Rights in Assorted YearsUSFAHR
Sample Turnout and Demographic Data from the 2000 Current Population Surveyvoteincome
A Simple Panel drawn from World Bank Open Datawbd_example
Syncing Word Values Survey Country Codes with CoW Codeswvs_ccodes
Attitudes about Immigration in the World Values Surveywvs_immig
Attitudes about the Justifiability of Bribe-Taking in the World Values Surveywvs_justifbribe
Attitudes on the Justifiability of Abortion in the United States (World Values Survey, 1982-2011)wvs_usa_abortion
Education Categories for the United States in the World Values Surveywvs_usa_educat
Region Categories for the United States in the World Values Surveywvs_usa_regions
Yugo Sales in the United States, 1985-1992yugo_sales